Protect your network from unauthorized access - easily.
Contextual Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Create contextual access policies that assess risk factors, such as device, network, location, travel, IP, and other contexts, at each step of the authentication process. Even integrate external risk signals to provide additional context. Then pair risk levels with appropriate access decisions, like allowing or denying access, prompting for MFA, or using passwordless authentication for a low-risk request.
Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO)
Increase productivity while keeping data secure. With single sign-on users only have to enter one set of credentials to access their web apps in the cloud and behind the firewall - via desktops, smartphones and tablets. This foundational identity and access management (IAM) measure is a first step in building trusted experiences for your workforce, customers, and partners.
Meet your Compliance Requirements
Many industries require multi-factor authentication for different user groups across employees and consumers. And some regulations even require specific authenticator assurance levels. Meet these regulations with ease by choosing from a range of assurance factors - including knowledge factors, possession factors, inherence factors, and time-based factors - that comply with your industry requirements.