New funding for school security technology: What does it mean?
The STOP School Violence Act provides $1 billion through 2028 for school safety grant programs.

Apr 19, 2018
PITTSBURGH — Legislation signed into law in late March restores federal grant money for school districts looking to install security equipment and technology.
The Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Act provides $25 million immediately and $33 million annually beginning next year through 2028 for school security technology and equipment, emergency communications systems and other coordination with law enforcement to enhance response capabilities such as panic buttons.
An addition $50 million in 2018 and $67 million a year from 2019 to 2028 is available for violence prevention and mental health response training programs for school personnel and students, threat assessment programs and anonymous threat reporting systems.
The grant money from the U.S. Department of Justice will be allocated to individual states and governments who will work with education agencies and non-profit organizations to award money to individual schools and districts who apply. Public and private schools are eligible. Information from the DOJ on how to apply is forthcoming.
At Dagostino Electronic Services, we know a challenge implementing security measures for K-12 educators is the lack of available resources.
We hope the new funding will make it easier for districts to implement modern, effective security infrastructure that can help deter or limit violence and keep our students and faculty members safe.
Contact us today at 1-800-864-4166 or to discuss your school security initiatives. We offer a full line of security solutions and can provide a no obligation security evaluation.
Our school security solutions include:
Access Control
Video Surveillance
IP Cameras
Electronic Visitor Management
Emergency Mass Notification
License Plate Recognition
Digital Signage and Lighting
For more information on the DOJ school safety grant programs, click here. The Partner Alliance for Safer Schools has resources on its website and school security guidelines available here.
School Security Resources: